What I eat In a Day – Day 1

Twiiter:- HannahEliza1

Instagram:- hannaheliza_1990

Hey Guys how are you all?

So… I LOVE food!! Let’s just get right to it and say it lol.. If I’ve had a ‘bleh/meh’ day at work.. I like to come home and cook a delicious reasonably healthy meal and then obviously post it to Instagram.. (BTW Instagram account is hannaheliza_1990 go ahead and have a look at my page :0))

I’m trying to eat better/healthier from now on.. and instead of having take – aways twice a week etc.. just have them once in a blue moon.. same with crisps and other junk etc.. If I’m having a particularly chocolate craving then I’ll look for a recipe for something deliciously chocolatey and fairly healthy too and that normally stops the craving!

So.. As the title says I’m going to take you through ‘What I eat in a day’ to stay healthy.. Not necessarily to lose weight but just to keep healthy.. losing weight will be an added bonus..

I’m going to talk about three different meals and snacks – All reasonably healthy and some even Vegan friendly (I think!! I am NOT vegan and I don’t say that I am.. but sometimes I cook vegetarian/vegan things for the pure simple fact…they’re tasty) I’ll also post where I found the recipe or if I adapted it myself and obviously the ingredients and how you can create these delicious healthy dishes… Okay… Here goes!!

Breakfast  – 1

Blueberry oats with a dash of almond milk


  • 1 cup/3tbsp oats (You can add more of less depending on how hungry you are!)
  • 1tsp cinnamon (I love cinnamon so add a lot lol)
  • 1/4tsp coconut sugar (Holland and Barrett sell this.. or Amazon)
  • A pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt (Optional)
  • 1 flat tsp coconut oil
  • 1/2tsp pure maple syrup (Optional)
  • 1tbsp reduced fat peanut butter
  • 1 cup fresh/frozen blueberries (or fruit of your choice)
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened Almond milk


  1. Put your oats into a saucepan with 1 1/2 cups water and bring to the boil – as soon as they start (and I mean start to bubble) turn the heat down and stir until creamy and thick
  2. Once to your preference, take the porridge off the heat – Add the cinnamon, coconut sugar and sea salt and stir in well – Can you smell the flavours?!
  3. Next add the coconut oil and mix in well – This is a new thing I’ve been doing and it makes the oats so creamy and delicious!! And then add the maple syrup and mix well.
  4. Now your ready to add your oats to the bowl and add your toppings 🙂
  5. Firstly add the Peanut / Nut butter to the centre of the oats
  6. Secondly add the fruit – I always like to use a loads of fresh blueberries to mine and sometimes a banana chopped up
  7. Finally add the Almond milk.. This just makes everything so delicious and creamy! You can even heat the almond milk up a little in the microwave (only for about 10 seconds) if its a particularly cold day!

Now… sit back… relax and ENJOY!!  I found the recipe from a YouTuber who I watch and love! Her name on YouTube is Liezl Jane – her YouTube channel is….www.youtube.com/channel/UCK2d_KfjVPwh9gqoczQ9sSw

This is such a warming and delicious breakfast and as you’ll see on Insta – I have it quite a lot for work and LOVE it! I highly recommend you to try it and let me know what you think.. and adapt it to how you like 🙂


Lunch – 1

So… As you all know I have MS.. So to help myself out.. I like to ‘Batch Cook!!’ I mean when you work full time its just the easiest way.. So I normally cook a big meal and make sure that I have left overs for lunches over the next few days.. Its great and means I’ll have time to do other things 🙂

This week I made Tuna Past salad – Nice, quick, easy and healthy and I made enough of it to last over a good couple of days, so that was great! When I got home I only had to cook dinner… I’d already sorted out lunches (HELPING FUTURE YOU!)

Okay… Here’s how I did it


  • Pasta of your choice (I did about 4 cups between George and I as I wanted a lot left over)
  • Tinned tuna in spring water
  • 1tbsp extra light mayonnaise
  • Salt and Pepper to taste


1 Put some boiling water into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Once boiling… add the dried pasta with a little salt.

2) While the pasta is cooking, drain the tuna and put into a bowl, then add the mayonnaise and stir well.

3) Once the pasta is cooked drain it and then add the tuna to it – Mix well and set aside

4) Let’s build the salad – The pasta is going to be the main part of this lunch, so I try and make the salad part as light as possible (Cucumber, Tomatoes, salad leaves, spring onion and pepeprs)

5) Add the tuna pasta to the salad with a little salt and pepper (I also add 1tbsp light salad cream) and jobs done!

This meal I just created at home.. I’m sure there’s a proper recipe out there somewhere… but I didn’t use anyone else’s specific recipe. It’s so quick and easy to make.. So if you’re like me and want something easy & Healthy for lunches? This is it!!



Dinner – 1

BBQ Pulled Chicken Tacos


  • 4x Chicken breast fillets
  • 400g chopped tomatoes
  • 2tbsp worcestershire sauce
  • 4tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1tsp mustard powder
  • honey to taste (I did add 3 tbsp to mine)
  • 3-4 tbsp bbq sauce as well (Optional for added flavour)
  • 1 medium onion chopped

For the Tacos

  • Lettuce – shedded
  • Avocado
  • a little cheese – grated
  • sour cream

Method – Slow Cooker method

  1. Add the chicken breast fillet to the slow cooker with the rest of the ingredients and cook on medium for 8 hours min (preferably overnight) or if you’re at home cook on high for 6-8hours
  2. That’s pretty much it really, once the chicken is cooked you’ll be able to get your fork and start to pull it apart.. if if tender enough it should just fall apart – this means its PERFECT!
  3. Now to start preparing the rest of the toppings for your tacos – put the shredded lettuce into a bowl, Next get your avocado, cube it and put that into a bowl – I like to add a little lime juice for extra flavour. Then put the grated cheese into a bowl
  4. Finally get your mini taco tortillas and microwave them for 10-15 seconds and then… you’re ready to devour!

I absolutely LOVE my slow cooker because same as above… Its EASY!! You can just added all your ingredients and then put it on when you have to go to work.. then when you come home… that delicious smell that fills the air will make any ‘bad day’ so much better!!

This was a delicious meal and good new is… I’VE GOT LEFT OVERS!!! yay!!


Snacks, snacks and more snacks

When those times come and you get hunger pangs… instead of heading straight to the chocolate and crisps.. have a go at these delicious healthier treats as an alternative.

Banana with a little Nutella and Apple slices with low fat peanut butter

I am loving at the moment banana cut into chunks with a little nutella spread over them and then some apple slices with peanut butter (Sounds strange but it really is delicious!)


Good old fruit!

Now I’m not a massive fan of fruit but when I do eat it I LOVE Clementine, apples, bananas, mango and melon.. they’re my favourite..

I do hope you liked this blog post… Please leave me any comments if you’d like to see more like this.. I also plan on trying to write 1 blog post a week of a variety of things..

I hope you’re all well and please remember to check out my Instagram – hannaheliza_1990

I’m also on Twitter too – HannahEliza1

I hope you all have a great weekend

Take Care

Hannah Eliza xxx

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